Sunday, July 19, 2009


The Blessings of God are continuing to fall upon us! The Lord moved mightily last night. The Gospel of the Cross of Jesus went forth and a huge multitude received the Lord Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

After that the Lord confirmed His Word with Signs, Wonders and Miracles. A man who had become paralyzed, unable to walk and totally deaf in one ear after a stroke began to walk and dance after Jesus healed him from everything! A lady whose left arm had been paralyzed ever since she had been struck by lightning showed how the Lord had given her back full use of that arm. She was totally healed. Then there were deaf people who testified that their ears had been opened. Others came up and testifying of other healings and miracles that the Lord had done in their bodies.

The crowd shouted, rejoiced and danced at each testimony. Pentecostal meetings should be noisy and loud with much praising, shouting, singing and dancing with our Lord Jesus Preeminent in all things; and that is the way it always has been and always is at our Crusades. We are thankful to the lord for this Grace that He has bestowed upon us.

Our AWAKE Pastors at the conference have gone back to their churches inspired and Fired-up. There is great excitement here and we are on the verge of great blessings from God!

I also rejoice and thank the Lord for my friendship with Evangelist Stafan Edefors, a wonderful brother with a large heart for the gospel~

Do continue to uphold us in prayer.

Be Blessed in all things!

Christopher Alam (with Gabriel)