It is 1:30am now; we are very exhausted and about to go to bed (thus this very brief report!). Pack in the morning and then fly out to Sweden. After that three days of preaching in Paris, France for my friend Pastor Selvaraj Rajiah. After that I’ll be back home, ministering in churches in the US.
At the end of June it’ll be Singapore and then back to Africa for two crusades in Livingstone Zambia and Victoria Falls Zimbabwe.
We are thankful to the Lord for the large harvest of souls that we could bring into His Kingdom. Thank you for your love and your prayers.
We are still short of the budget for our next crusade, and would appreciate your help. If you want to contribute and help us you could send us a check to:
Dynamis World Ministries
2384 New Holland Pike
Lancaster, PA 17601
You can also contribute Online at our website
Be blessed in all things in Christ Jesus!
Christopher Alam (with Gabriel) and Team