Saturday, May 22, 2010


We saw a wonderful Harvest of Souls tonight. A Deaf-mute girl heard and spoke for the first time in her life, a boy totally blind in one eye saw perfectly. A lady who was mute spoke, deaf ears were opened and more.....

We ended a successful Pastor's Conference today with Pastor John Nuzzo.

A great tragedy also took place at the crusade. Immediately after one of the crusade services one night, a fight broke out between some people. A 21 year old son of Pastor Zulu (a friend of our ministry who had received Jesus in one of our Crusades many years ago) tried to intervene and was stabbed by one of the men. He died immediately.

This is all so very sad! Pastor John Nuzzo, Pastor Mavondo and I visited the family to pray with them. The sound of people crying in sorrow in that house broke our hearts.

Such are the places we preach the Gospel in. Where sin abounds, there Grace much more abounds.

Please pray for Pastor Zulu and his family!

We have one more night to go here in Chawama.

In Christ,

Christopher Alam
in Zambia