I just arrived in Sweden after finishing our Ninth Africa Gospel Crusade of the year, held in Kadoma, Zimbabwe.
This was a very successful Crusade with huge crowds coming out to hear the Gospel, and with tens of thousands of people receiving the Lord Jesus as their Lord and Savior every night.
Many wonderful and remarkable things took place during this Crusade. On Saturday for example, it had rained for much of the day and when we had started the service, it began to rain again. In spite of the inclement weather there was great excitement and a huge crowd had gathered to hear the Gospel. As it began to rain, I was concerned about our Sound Equipment (which had been quite damaged by moisture a couple of years ago in Zambia after we went on with a service in pouring rain) and decided to cancel the service.
As Pastor Mavondo, our Director of Ops in Africa, picked up the microphone and began to make the announcement the crowd began to shout. “NO! NO! PREACH ABOUT JESUS!”….. the announcement turned into a loud forceful prayer and a command to the rain to stop…… as the people (mostly non-Christians!) shouted, prayed and yelled….….and the rain suddenly stopped! So we went on and had a powerful service.
I was humbled and felt small because I realized that everybody else’s faith was greater than mine, and yet I was the one there whom God in his Great Mercy had chosen to preach the Gospel with Signs Following.
That night we saw many remarkable miracles and two very special ones. One was a young man who was born deaf and mute; Jesus touched him and he spoke and heard for the first time in his life. The other was a blind and paralyzed man who was carried to the crusade by his family and laid down upon the ground. He had been totally blind for many years and had been unable to walk for about 3 years. Jesus touched him, and he stood up and walked, he could also see perfectly….. you should have seen this man dancing and praising God! I am posting both these videos on Youtube and on Facebook.
Every night we were blessed to see huge multitudes of people receiving Jesus (There were also these little things that touched me, like one night when we were singing and worshiping a man came out of the crowd saying that he wanted to be Saved right there and then!) God also confirmed His Word with many Signs, Wonders and Miracles. Every night we saw deaf people receive their hearing. Blind people received their sight. Large tumors disappeared from people’s bodies, one of being a little girl who had a huge tumor as large as a woman’s breast hanging from her tummy. The thing disappeared instantly leaving behind a faint mark like a bruise where it once had been! We also saw lame and crippled people stand up and begin to walk.
The on the last night the Holy Ghost fell with Pentecostal Power, with thousands Baptized with the Holy Ghost and with Fire. People worshiping God in other tongues, shouting, praising….. some falling to the ground under the mighty Power of God….
For all this, we give all Glory Honor and Praise to our Lord Jesus, who Alone is Worthy. What a privilege it is to preach His Wonderful Gospel.
“Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.
For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish: To the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life”. (2 Corinthians 2:14-16)
Thank you for your generous financial support that enables us to preach the Gospel; For your Love and your prayers!
In Christ
Christopher Alam