After that the Fire of the Lord Fell, and Thousands were Baptized with the Holy Ghost and with Fire, worshiping and Praising God in other tongues. After that la large multitude raised their hands to indicate that they had been healed as Jesus touched them (This is just a rough estimate by a frail human being; the only accurate Book-keeping of such things is in Heaven!). Large tumors disappeared, deaf ears and blind eyes were opened, people with injuries and different diseases were healed.
This has been a very good crusade and we have been able to reap a large harvest of souls. That is the important thing, the "bottom line" as one would put it.
The Lord has given great grace and confirmed His Word with an incredibly large number of Signs Wonders and Miracles. Every night scores of people have lined up to testify. We have seen many deaf-mute, mute and deaf people healed by the power of our Lord Jesus. Blind eyes have been opened, tumors have vanished, many have been healed from severe injuries and from different diseases and infirmities.
We give our Wonderful Lord Jesus the Glory, Honor and Praise for all that He has done. We are so humbled and thankful for His Presence in our midst. We also had a very Blessed Pastors' Conference this week.
My team and I leave for Zimbabwe in the morning for our annual convention of our AWAKE Churches. I wear different hats preaching in large open-air crusades, planting churches, overseeing over 325 churches, training up church-planters and pastors. Do uphold my team and me in prayer that the Lord would keep us bold, strong and full of Faith and Holy Ghost Fire!
Thank you for your love, prayers and support!
With much love, in Christ
Christopher Alam
If you would like to help us to continue to get the Gospel out to the lost, you can send us financial support:
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Or mail to:
Dynamis World Ministries
2384 New Holland Pike
Lancaster PA 17601